The path of Gaining Clarity

3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Gaining Clarity on a directionless Journey

Gaining Clarity lightens the soul

Being Lost is not an Awesome Feeling

Whether it’s in our Lives, with family or friends; In school and even on the Road.

That basic feeling of Directionlessness can make a person feel Worthless.

I went through it, that directionless phase, And it was not a good experience.

Day after Day, I gave up with a speed higher than I used to seek a path or task, and no matter what, I kept circling right back to where I had started.

This was continuous, till I found it, or rather IT found me → CLARITY.

I finally gained clarity after Months of feeling worthless and not healing. I had known what I wanted to do months back, but as I gained clarity, I finally knew the know-how, the process of what I wanted to do; and I felt like me again.

The moping, directionless me vanished; and Tasks and projects which I could never have carried out were done swiftly, with a glazing satisfying feeling at the end of each one.

Let me give you the 3 steps of how I achieved Clarity which can also help you achieve Clarity in the most worthless phase.

1) Focus on your Goals

Achieving clarity can be done by setting goals. Goals help a great deal in achieving clarity. Create clear goals, your goals shouldn’t be abstract. For instance, I want to make Money. Making money is not a concise goals. Set goals with short-term objectives which can be built upon for long term success. Setting goals will act as a guide when seeking for clarity.

2) Welcome the Process

The path of seeking clarity is not a one-way or one-day thing. Most times, you don’t even know what to do. So attaining clarity at that moment becomes blurry. Welcome the process of knowing that you won’t get it at a go. You will try, you will fail, you will cry, and for most people you will give up. It’s before the giving up stage, that you should pack yourself together and have a go at it.

For me, I went from writing, to content creation, to designing; I tried sooo many things before I gained clarity.

Even in my relationships, I felt lost with friends and family; blamed myself most of the times even when I was not to blame. I welcomed the process of growing from the expectations and disappointment; gained clarity on how to deal with everyone and now I can say I am living my life the best way I can.

3) Accept the “Definity” of you

This is the Most important part of gaining Clarity for me. ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE. I was lost trying to be like the others, trying to fit in. Instead, I just felt all the more confused; and with that confusion, came frustration, then directionlessness and then worthlessness. I didn’t know where I was heading, till I accepted the DEFINITION of me. This is WHO I AM.

Then, I had peace. I applied all that was me into my life, my writing, my contents, my relationships and I felt peace of mind. This part won’t be necessarily easy. Here, you will feel as a fraud, con artist or even have imposter syndrome.

But a wise colleague I know says:

“you have to be an imposter to defeat imposter syndrome.” — TMM

So, don’t panic and think you can’t get anything right and then try to act like others to get something right. That won’t work in your favor.

Achieving clarity requires expanding and growing toward a specific objective. When writing your goals, you will want to go into as much details as possible. Noticing and picking at the small details can help you in achieving your Clarity on whatever path you are set on.




Written by Saul

We are our own stories. The thing about stories? They change, they evolve, they expand; and with these, we GROW📌

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